National Policy on Education: The Need to Inculcate Logical/Critical Ability to Enhance Tertiary Education in Nigeria
Published 2024-05-05
- Education, critical reasoning, logic, national policy, undergraduate
One of the most assurances against human illusion, dogmatism and false sense of security is the application of logic and critical self-evaluation. Logical reasoning is, therefore, necessary for personal development, so much so that it is a compulsory first course in tertiary institutions of learning around the world, Malaysia and Nigeria inclusive. The goal is that where ever one finds himself, he should be able to reflect on all issues and, thereby, reduce the proclivity to error—be it that of omission, commission or of uncritical acceptance of any raw feeds. To this end, this paper adopts the critical methodology and evaluates the Core Curriculum and Minimum Academic Standards for the Nigerian University System (CCMAS, 2022) and points out its obvious and inherent deficiencies. It articulates the nature and place of logic/critical thinking and thus argues that imbibing the principles of logical/critical reasoning by the undergraduates around the world would enhance their critical reasoning ability much needed in contemporary Nigeria. The essence of this was to advocate the inclusion of courses in logic in every department of study in every higher educational institution (University) so as to make the subject an easy grasp within the setting for social relevance.