Fairness of Reward, Job Involvement and Organizational Communication as Predictors of Teamwork Effectiveness among Health Worker’s of University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan
Published 2024-01-01
- Health Workers, Fairness of Reward, Job Involvement, Organizational Communication, Teamwork Effectiveness, and UCH.
Purpose: The study examines fairness of reward, job involvement and organizational communication as
predictors of teamwork effectiveness among health workers in UCH. Teamwork effectiveness is important
among health workers to optimize patient care, promote patient safety, and enhance clinical outcomes
through collaborative and coordinated efforts across disciplines and specialties.
Methodology: A cross-sectional survey of 200 health workers, selected through purposive sampling, using
a valid and reliable structured questionnaire that incorporated all research variables was used for data
collection. A questionnaire containing the research scales were administered and data collected. The data
were tested using multiple regression analysis and t- test for the independent sample at 0.05 level of
Findings: Multiple regression analysis reveals that fairness of reward, job involvement and organizational
communication jointly predicted teamwork effectiveness. The result further revealed that job involvement
and organizational communication independent predict effectiveness teamwork. T- test for the independent
sample analysis reveals that male respondents significantly reported higher on teamwork effectiveness than
their female respondents. This implies that gender significantly influenced teamwork effectiveness.
Implication/Conclusion: It is evident from these research findings that fairness of reward, job involvement
and organizational communication, along with gender differences are psycho-demographic tools that
enhanced team interaction and consequently improve teamwork effectiveness. The paper concluded that
for general hospital like UCH to optimize patient care, promote patient safety, and enhance clinical
outcomes, teamwork effectiveness should be emphasized and given more attention.